How to use getv with the Getv Bookmark Mode

You can, of course, directly use Getv (see: Teach) to download the videos you like. But some of you may need to get a pile of videos, too many downloadings will cause an overload to Getv. Then I won't have enough ability to maintain Getv.

One method called "Bookmark Mode" is most strongly suggested to download youtube videos and does not produce any load to Getv. If you ONLY have 1 or 2 videos to get, directly download them. But you have 5 or more videos to download, please use "Bookmark Mode". It helps to maintain Getv to serve more people.

See Bookmark Mode Teach:
恐怖躲貓貓 詭異又可怕
口袋廁所 不用去廁所
霍金博士時空裂縫 人類也能穿越時間