Safe Mode of Getv - A download method not occupy net traffic

Bookmark Mode (see : Teach) is the best way to download youtube videos by Getv if you've got many videos to do, which does not occupy any load of Getv. Safe Mode is another way to download videos, which does not occupy any Getv load, either. Though this way is more difficult to operate, it is safer and has more possibilities to download your videos successfully.

Go to Getv main page, and find a youtube video you want to download. Click the "Getv" button as the pic shows. You'll see the Safe Mode button at next page.

Then just follow the instruction Getv tells you. You can get your favotite easily.

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Getv's Bookmark/Bookmarklet Mode of video downloading

The Bookmarklet download method is easy to use and the process is also fast. When during peak hours, the server is often overloaded, sometimes Getv will only allow this way.

Now let's see how to use Getv's "Bookmark/Bookmarklet" Mode of downloading youtube videos. If you use IE, Firefox etc., please right-click the "Getv" on to use "Add to Favorites" or "Bookmark this link"(see the pic), If the security warning appears, it's ok. Click yes, and agree to continue. And you should find a "Getv" link in the Bookmark of your IE.

You're at a youtube page now, and you want to download the video. Click the Getv link in the IE Bookmark. Getv will show a download page above the youtube video page. Just see the instruction on the getv download page, and you can easily download the video you want.

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How to use getv with the Getv Bookmark Mode

You can, of course, directly use Getv (see: Teach) to download the videos you like. But some of you may need to get a pile of videos, too many downloadings will cause an overload to Getv. Then I won't have enough ability to maintain Getv.

One method called "Bookmark Mode" is most strongly suggested to download youtube videos and does not produce any load to Getv. If you ONLY have 1 or 2 videos to get, directly download them. But you have 5 or more videos to download, please use "Bookmark Mode". It helps to maintain Getv to serve more people.

See Bookmark Mode Teach:
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Everyone helps to maintain Getv - a youtube video-downloading site

Getv now is good for everyone here to download youtube videos he or she loves. I'm so glad that more and more friends use Getv to get their favorite videos. In fact, however, it is difficult to maintain and set up this site, no matter in the very beginning and now. My maintenance funds are quite limited, and I personally have my own job to do every day. I still hope I can do something for you, who love my software and sites.

In addition that you can donate me if you like, please support Getv in a free way. It won't charge you any cent since I know not everyone is as rich as Bill gates. How to do it?! It's easy. If you download videos directly from my Getv, any of this act will occupy my net traffic. When most people do this, I have to spend a huge amount of money to rent a bigger server to handle such a net traffic. If I run out my funds, Getv are sure to get closed. I hope that doesn't happen.

I strongly suggest that you use two ways to download your favorite videos. They are:"Bookmark download" and "safe mode download." These two methods do not occupy any net traffic and can maintain Getv easily. Just click the teaching links and see how easy these methods are! And also thanks for your coming and cooperation.

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Download your favorite youtube videos/links by Getv

More and more people love to search the videos they like in youtube. Usually you'll have trouble downloading good youtube videos and don't know what to do. Some video-downloading website for youtube can solve your problem. Getv is one of them and you will ,I can say with certainty, love it when you use it because Getv is such an easy-using youtube video-downloading site. Just by a few clicks you can keep your videos in seconds.

How to do it with Getv?? Now find a video in youtube! Then you can have a link of your favorite youtube video. Please copy it.

Post the link into the bar as the pix shows. Click the "Getv" button. Wow, you can own the video you love.

Go to Getv now and enjoy it:

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How to use Getv - easily search youtube videos by Getv

Maybe you'll think: Why I should search youtube videos in Getv? Would it be more convenient to search videos directly in youtube? Just try to think it in different ways. What if you can search your favorite videos and then fast-download them into your own computer?? It must be good when you want to see these lovely downloaded videos, they're just right in your computer. By Getv, you can do it well in searching function and quickly keep videos only by some easy finger-click steps.

Go to Getv and just key in the keywords into the bar as the pic shows. You can use "upload date", "Relevance", "View counts", and "ratings" to order these results. Check every video you like by the results, and download the most favorite videos into your computer. See?! Getv can quickly meet your both wishes to search and download videos. It's so easy, isn't it?

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Getv: An easily site to download videos from Youtube

Getv is a new website I've set up recently. It supports keyword searching for YouTube videos, that is - you can also directly search youtube videos through Getv very easily and conveniently.

We know the quality of YouTube videos are available in seven formats: FLV standards of quality 1, FLV standard quality 2, FLV with high quality, 3GP video for mobile phones, MP4 in quality, MP4 HD quality, and MP4 Full HD quality. Getv tries always to be able to resolve all out and find out your favorite videos from youtube. YouTube analysis in different sites can be done with Getv in seconds.

Like all analytical sites, however, Getv can't be always useful all the time. Getv can only do its capacity to provide. But I think it's quite enough for common using for downloading most videos from youtube.

In addition, my fund to maintain Getv is very limited, when the money burns out, Getv will take a bow and wave to all. I will try my best to maintain it, so that everyone can have a convenient and reliable downloading platform.

The keyword searching function of Getv can sort by: new date, relevance, Views, score, to show your search results. And all results are with the Play button and the video resolution button, so it can be very easy to integrate search and capture function. If you like Getv or Getv helps you a lot, a donation can help promote Getv and encourage me. I'll have a greater capacity to produce much more convenient sites and softwares for everyone. Thank you very much.

Go to Getv now :

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