See the former STEP!
(6) For example, if you want to download a youtube video clip as 3GP format, just click the 3GP button as the picture shows(of course if you need FLV format, click the FLV button. Remember to change to the same extension in the following step). The INFORMATION BOX tells you to change the extentions to the format you need in the next step. Just click yes and continue.
(7) As the pic shows to you, right-click the save line and use "SAVE AS" to save your video file.
(8)Save the file on the desktop. Remember to change the extension.
(9)See! The 3GP video is sucessfully downloaded to your desktop!
What?! Your PC player can't play the file?! Plz read ME!
Wanna try easier way to use Getv: The direct download
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